Trusting someone with your money is a sensitive subject. Such an inference requires a rare mixture of honesty, financial savvy and integrity on a financial advisor’s part. The professionals of Sagoe & Associates can be trusted to handle your affairs with the respect and attention they deserve, as well as the diligence to provide clear and level-headed financial advice. Every client Sagoe & Associates, CPA has ever aided trusts our financial advisors to make those crucial decisions pertaining to their money, and its management
Business Accounting Services
We can also facilitate and coordinate management meetings to explain business trends and financial analyses compared to industry standards. We also hold several different business development seminars to give you tips on how to run your business efficiently and effectively. We are happy to assist with investment matters, both short and long-term; we can assist with retirement savings including IRAs, Roth IRAs, and 401Ks.
Our Firm, Your Future
Sagoe & Associates can also coordinate system conversions tailored to your organization’s needs, which provide management with specific reports that will enhance that management’s ability to make sound and informed decisions.